Event Rewards Unlocker

The game stores the event rewards and progress in an accountDataDB.package file. By modifying that file you can trick the game into thinking you've unlocked the rewards or completed quests. This tool has two uses:

  1. When an event is live it lets you claim all rewards without doing a single quest. This part works in online mode only, since to claim the rewards you need to be online. Check if the current event is added to the events list below before reporting problems. You can claim all rewards, even from weeks that are still locked, so you claim the rewards at your own risk. I suggest you wait until all weeks are unlocked.
  2. If the event has already ended you can still unlock the rewards, but it will work in offline mode only. Every time you start the game online - it will replace the rewards data. It's more convenient to use mods instead. I added this functionality as a bonus.

Click on the "Choose file" button below, navigate to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4*, and select the UserSetting.ini file. It may be displayed as just UserSetting. Your browser will prompt you to download an accountDataDB.package file. Put that file in the same folder as the UserSetting.ini file.

* in some languages this folder is named differently, like Die Sims 4, Les Sims 4, Los Sims 4, etc.

Events list (from the newest to the oldest):

Blast From The Past Event (February 2025) - event is live! Use the tool to claim the rewards and tie them permanently to your EA account!
Cozy Celebrations Event (December 2024) - event has ended
Reaper's Rewards Event (September 2024) - event has ended
Happy at Home Login Event (June 2024) - event has ended, rewards were added to the base game in update 1.109.207 because they were initially stored in a local file only, not synced with EA servers, and many people have lost the rewards because of it